Fire Conferences | RTNKC

What are the RTNKC Fire Conferences?
Our Fire Conferences are hosted by Reach The Nations Kingdom College once a month for the purpose of teaching Kingdom Advancement and preparing for Revival through unity in the Spirit and fellowship with like-minded Christians who desire to see spiritual awakening and revival in New England, our Nation and the nations of the world. 
Open to the general public, the students of RTNKC come together in one accord in a variety of settings for worship, strong prayer, conferences, workshops, courses and services with the focus of learning kingdom culture and experiencing the Glory of God manifested among us.  
Live Interactive Fire Conference
Date: October 17, 2020
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Interactive Virtual Conference
More information at

Additional Information please call our office: (866) 786-3430 or email us at
Students please register in the Student Center.

For more information please contact our School of Ministy Office at (866) 786-3430 ext. 325 or email us at  

ClassesEvents RevivalCulture NewsFeatures
Power Course Live Interactive Virtual Learning
Monday, July 29, 2024 - Guest Instructor Joshua Khachadourian

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? It is the coming of the kingdom of God. It is Christ taking over in a life. No more do I live unto myself-that is over with! Now, thank God, according to His eternal purpose, He has taken over.  More»

Kingdom College

P.O. Box 8178
New Haven, CT 06530
(866) 786-3430  Fax (866) 786-1622
Email us at:                          


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