Alumni & Friends | Kingdom College

The Kingdom College Alumni Association is a community of Kingdom-Builders. We are a body of believers who have experienced Biblical studies, corporate worship, student life, intercessory prayer, and friendships at RTNKC. Remaining connected with each other and supporting the interests of Kingdom College is the purpose of the Alumni Association.

Alumni Spotlight
Each alumnus has a story of their experience at Kingdom College and we want to hear it! Your story may include moments from ministry, lessons from life, happenings in business, or family news! Whatever your story is, we would love to hear from you. We may post your testimony in our monthly newsletter!

Tell Your Story
If you would like to submit a testimony of your experience as a student at RTNKC, or your current involvement in ministry after graduation, please email us at

Join The RTNKC Alumni Association
Use your student ID and password to create a unique account and stay connected with Reach The Nations Kingdom College. Click here for more information or Join now! 

Support Your Alma mater
You can continue to be a part of RTNKC after graduation! Your tax deductible gift to the Kingdom College Ambassadors Fund will enable us to continue to train, equip and release a generation of Revivalists and Reformers into the Harvest! Please click on the Ways To Give Back link below to make your gift today.

Learn more.
Alumni Resources | Alumni Services | Records & Registration

ClassesEvents RevivalCulture NewsFeatures
Power Course Live Interactive Virtual Learning
Monday, July 29, 2024 - Guest Instructor Joshua Khachadourian

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? It is the coming of the kingdom of God. It is Christ taking over in a life. No more do I live unto myself-that is over with! Now, thank God, according to His eternal purpose, He has taken over.  More»

Kingdom College

P.O. Box 8178
New Haven, CT 06530
(866) 786-3430  Fax (866) 786-1622
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