Training • Equipping • Empowering • Sending

At a glance, Reach The Nations Kingdom College is a cutting edge School of Ministry and School of the Spirit instituted to train, equip and release devoted disciples of Jesus Christ who have a burning desire to love, serve God and impact every sphere of society by presenting the Gospel of the Kingdom in Word, lifestyle and the power of the Holy Spirit. We offer a two year certificate program, a third year leadership program (ELI) and a four year speciality program. Our aim is for each student to be transformed by the Fire of His Presence and come into a true heart knowledge of the scriptures becoming a living epistle of the Word and Spirit. 

First and Second Year
During your first two years at RTNKC, there will be three trimesters of classes, Fire Conferences and a summer Power Course. You will be exposed to multiple settings that will assist in leadership development. Whether you are called to the five fold ministry or you are an emerging leader who wants to be effective in marketplace ministry, now is the time to give your life to be a world changer. RTNKC is uniquely suited to fit you for effective Kingdom service as a lifestyle in Word and power.
Third and Fourth Year
Students who enroll as third and fourth year participants train in leadership and internship courses. The internship program is an opportunity for students to acquire supervised practical ministry experience and, at the same time, to make a valuable contribution by serving in a ministry context.  Interns will be connected with organizations or entities that have goals and values consistent with those of RTNKC and ELI.
A School of Ministry
We are a Holy Spirit driven ministry school where students of all ages can come to learn how to live the culture of the Kingdom of God and extend it's borders through a supernatural lifestyle.  We promote the culture of honor, which is demonstrated through joining the generations and teaching every age group to value and serve one another.
A School of the Spirit
Our school emphasizes hands on training and experience along with academic understanding. This creates a culture where all students can stretch their faith and grow in their understanding of Kingdom principles and culture. RTNKC teaches that each verse of the Bible is an invitation into a deeper relationship, revelation and experience with the Lord, therefore the students are challenged to live the BIble. This produces a class environment that often feels very much like a workshop where students practice the things they are being taught in a setting of worship. Students are grounded in the Word of God, stretched in faith, immersed in the Spirit, and practically equipped for life and ministry.
Obey Your High Calling · Find Your Divine Purpose
Now is the time to give your life to be a world changer, whether you are called to be a church planter, a college professor, a home-schooling mom, or a cultural prophet; whether your field is pastoral ministry, missions, music, politics or the marketplace; whether your burden is for the salvation of the lost, the healing of the sick, or the reformation of society, RTNKC is uniquely suited to equip you for effective Kingdom service.

ClassesEvents RevivalCulture NewsFeatures
Power Course Live Interactive Virtual Learning
Monday, October 28, 2024 - Guest Instructor Joshua Khachadourian

What is the baptism of the Holy Spirit? It is the coming of the kingdom of God. It is Christ taking over in a life. No more do I live unto myself-that is over with! Now, thank God, according to His eternal purpose, He has taken over.  More»

Kingdom College

P.O. Box 8178
New Haven, CT 06530
(866) 786-3430  Fax (866) 786-1622
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