Let's Talk Kingdom Student's Forum: Kingdom Talk

RE: Revelation releases power.
November 30, 2019 at 10:34 AM
In our last class, we were taught about the renewing of the mind and I was surprised at how simple the process is as it comes from His Word. When the Lord speaks to you during a time of prayer and fasting, reading the scriptures, or even through what He's spoken to you in the past, you notice that the desire you once had to do something (let's say eating cookies) is no longer there. You then feel a little push or hear a voice encouraging you to go ahead and do it anyway. "One cookie won't hurt, you love cookies, don't they smell delicious? Just one bite." Resisting that temptation is proof of your mind having been renewed but yielding to that temptation shatters the process that's taken place. Hearing from Him daily and no longer bending to that desire is vital for us because we cannot do the Will of God without having our minds renewed.
RE: Revelation releases power.
April 12, 2019 at 1:48:05 AM
We've been learning about the prophetic for several weeks, and recently there's been an emphasis on having a desire for it. What we think most about, talk most about, and hold closest to our heart is what we go after. 1 Corinthians 14:1 says "Follow after charity (or love), and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy." (KJV) The Lord is calling for a people that will not settle for feel good moments, but rather develop an everlasting eagerness to hear and speak what He puts on our hearts to say.
RE: Revelation releases power.
March 20, 2019 at 9:10 AM
I think what Renee said was very important regarding the process of the prophetic. The Word is released from heaven and spoken through a natural vessel (us) in order for it to come to manifest. As Jesus taught His disciples to pray, "Let Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done in earth as it is in heaven." There has to be something that happens in the natural realm in response to the Word of the Lord because with the Word there is power! That's what separates us from any fortune teller or psychic. There's power behind our words when we say what He is saying.
RE: Revelation releases power.
March 14, 2019 at 7:10 PM
Going a little deeper with the prophetic, there was another explanation that helped me to better understand not only the prophetic, but the power in what God says. When God's Word is released, there is an invisible process that takes place in order for what's in the spirit realm to get to the natural. What our natural eyes see is not all that there is that surrounds us. Take a moment to think about what spiritual activity may be taking place right now as you're reading this post. His Word contains the power to destroy all that stands in the way of what belongs to us.
RE: Revelation releases power.
March 6, 2019 at 5:34 PM
Continuing with what Edwin began, an explanation that was made clear and has helped me to better understand prophecy, is that prophecy is what brings what's in the spirit realm to the natural realm. God speaks a Word which can happen in many ways according to scripture: audibly, through a vision or dream, angelic visitation, etc. and it has to be (I say has to because it's His law) released through an earthen vessel (which would be a prophet or a person that He's chosen to speak through) by way of their voice in order for an event to come to pass.
RE: Revelation releases power.
March 2, 2019 at 2:24 PM
In our most recent class, we are learning about the Prophetic and how the prophetic functions. We were taught that prophecy is- inspired communication from God. To break down the word prophecy, the word comes from the greek word Prophetia which means prophecy is foretelling. There is clear difference between word of knowledge with deals with facts (deals with the what is in the present and can be dealing with the past). The difference with Prophecy is; prophecy deals with the future, not with the present.
RE: Revelation releases power.
February 17, 2019 at 5:50 PM
In one of our recent classes, there was a teaching that was given on rebuke. Often times when something is said or something happens that goes against God's plan and purpose for our lives we say "I rebuke it." or something similar having the word 'rebuke' in the statement. Rebuke is not something we say, it's something we do. It is described as a verb to mean: to express sharp, stern disapproval of; reprove; reprimand. It's not enough to simply say for example "that's not true," however, but the expression of rebuke must come in the form of God's Word. His Word is superior to any and all plans or accusations that come from the kingdom of darkness. Matthew chapter 4 gives three examples of Jesus using God's Word to rebuke the devil.
RE: Revelation releases power.
September 18, 2018 at 11:13 PM
One thing that Apostle emphasized in our most recent class this past Monday that helped me was the importance of being educated on different cultures and/or areas of the world. We grow up in ways that are specific to us which puts a limitation on what we know, our language and our way of interacting with others. In order for me or anyone else to be able to reach those in other parts of the world or even in the same region I/we have to broaden my/our knowledge of those cultures. Doing so opens the door of communication and relatability and from there there's no telling what the Lord will do with a person that's not only willing to follow what He instructs, but is also well-versed in the arena they are to be in.
RE: Revelation releases power.
August 18, 2018 at 12:51 AM
We've been instructed in our most recent class to call each day good from its beginning. Doing so has had a positive affect on my mindset. I find that I'm excited about what lies ahead even though it may only be just another day for some. The fact that we get to live through and experience a new day each time He wakes us up is a call for praise. The common question we ask each other is "how's your day?" Knowing that the Lord is the one who made the day has caused me to wonder why we call the day our own, but, that's beside the point. The answer to that question is sometimes answered with a complaint of some kind. Car is in the shop, bills are due, work is stressful, kids are a handful, etc. Genesis 1:31 says "God saw all that He had made, and it was very good." (NIV) The day itself must be included in the word 'all' so how is it that we can see any day as bad? The circumstances may not be ideal, but to come to the conclusion that something the Lord has made could be or is bad because of it would be inane.
RE: Revelation releases power.
May 3, 2018 at 6:00 PM
I admit that I have done what Renee had previously mentioned. There are many times where I already have a preconceived idea or opinion on what is being said and find myself not listening. Good ideas and advice does not bring power. Only revelation can do that! The Lord never speaks to us to "wow" or impress us. He speaks to empower us.
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