Let's Talk Kingdom Student's Forum: Kingdom Talk

RE: Community.
January 20, 2020 at 6:28 PM
There’s a quote that was shared with us a while back that says “great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” At times it may not always be easy to hold our words when we’re upset, but this has certainly helped me to reflect on the quality of what I’ve said/what I’ve talked about. Once our words leave our mouths we cannot take them back. May this quote be a help for others in order to direct their words in a positive, encouraging manner.
RE: Community.
January 12, 2020 at 4:14 PM
We all want God to bless us, right? We want God to deliver on His promises to us, but what have we been doing that shows we're able to take care of or handle what He wants to give us? This isn't to say that our relationship with Him is based on what we do, but there should be a level of trust that's developed. Have you ever told someone you would be somewhere at a certain time but you weren't without giving any notice? Or said that you would do something but you didn't? I know have. How about talked about someone? I have. These seemingly small moments build a track record over time that only proves the absence of reliability. Let's stop and think before we decide to join in on that conversation about someone, let's follow through with what we say to others, let's build that level of trust with one another and see what God will do.
RE: Community.
January 5, 2020 at 8:00 AM
A community is made up of a number of people that are at different stages of their lives with needs and wants that are in accordance with where they are. God knows what they are and has the ability to meet / exceed the requests we make to Him for them to be fulfilled. There can be times, however, when comparison comes in and we find ourselves wanting what our brother / sister has even though we may not necessarily need the same thing. The same sized car or house, the same financial income for example. Instead of allowing comparison to dictate what we go after in life, let's be a people that rejoice with those who are receiving what God has for them and keep ourselves focused on where He has us because He's certainly capable of providing specifically for us all.
RE: Community.
December 28, 2019 at 11:31 PM
2019 has been a year of lessons. No matter the form they came in, there's no doubt there have been plenty and that is something to be thankful for. With the start of a new decade approaching, I am so hopeful for great things. God is tremendously larger than what's right in front of us, and I know that there is more that He has for us to learn, see, experience, and do. What better way to participate in these avenues than to do so together. Encouraging, defending, believing, supporting, and loving together.
RE: Community.
December 21, 2019 at 11:24 AM
I am so grateful to the Lord for His teachings. Hearing the truth about yourself isn't always easy, and there have been plenty of times when the truth was being spoken to me and my reaction showed my level of immaturity or my inability to hold what was being said. Maturity happens through time, and for us to have forward motion on the path that He has set, there are areas in our lives that have to be dealt with so we don't remain in a cycle of non-production. Praise God for His desire to have His sons & daughters prosper all the days of our lives.
RE: Community.
December 14, 2019 at 8:54 PM
The devil's objective is to prevent the Word of God from manifesting in our lives. One way the devil tries to interrupt the plan that's been set in place to bring God's Word to manifestation is through frustration. Have you ever been frustrated? Have you ever blurted something you shouldn't have due to being frustrated? I know I have. Nothing we say goes unnoticed, so when those ill-advised words leave our mouths we align ourselves with what God says about the words we speak and we've given an opening to demons to carry out what we've just said which in turn causes forward motion to cease. Each person has been created with a purpose and it's up to us to learn about and be aware of strategies the devil will use to veer us off track so that we don't align ourselves with them.
RE: Community.
December 8, 2019 at 2:09 AM
Our lives are shaped partly by the words people speak about us. Verbal abuse starting at a young age at home, bullying in school and/or comments made by friends either in passing or made directly to a person are examples of moments that give space for the enemy to set up shop in our minds in order to perpetuate and strengthen his hold on the way we see and speak about ourselves. Over time these false statements can manifest in different ways that continue in cycles. God's love is more powerful than anything throughout all the heavens and the earth, so in a world full of judgement and isolation, let us be the ones that see beyond the action and help those that are stuck get to the root cause by the leading of the Holy Spirit in order for them to be and stay free.
RE: Community.
November 23, 2019 at 9:39:02 PM
A lesson I learned recently about habits was one that focused on losing our temper. When we get so angry or worked up that we feel like we're not in control, who is? Most would think that it's normal to get to that point and then once the dust settles maybe you'll give an apology, "move on", the issue is "dropped" and we wake up the next morning like it never happened. Most (more specifically women) would also save that moment for a rainy day instead of dealing with it head on before the day comes to an end. This is an unhealthy way to conduct a relationship(s) as it becomes a breeding ground for this behavior or way of thinking not only for us, but for our families if we aren't careful to settle the matter completely. That's not to say that we can't get angry or upset, but it's imperative for us to deal with issues before they get worse, leaving the door wide open for division between us and the ones we love.
RE: Community.
November 4, 2019 at 1:06:02 PM
We had a class recently in which the sin of Adam was discussed. His thought that became an action of taking and eating the apple effected the future of our world and our lives on earth. What struck me was the magnitude of what he did. It makes me wonder what had gone through his mind right before he ate the apple. Was there any conviction? Had he thought about the potential consequences? The Lord gives us specific direction and/or guidance because He knows the end result. With the Holy Spirit leading us, we don’t have to rely on what we feel is best to do or not do in those times. It’s so important for us to be mindful of our actions because they don’t effect just us. We need to have vision that goes beyond our immediate families/friends. Is what I’m thinking of doing going to change the lives of those that are proposed to come after me in a negative way or will it cause them to be able to continue in what the Lord wants done?
RE: Community.
October 28, 2019 at 12:58 PM
We‘ve been designed to depend on one another. A baby can not survive without the milk of it’s mother, a child cannot mature in a healthy way without the love and discipline of both mother and father, and as they grow, the guidance of those that come into their lives (other family members, a school teacher, a mentor). We may experience times in our lives that aren’t easy, pleasant or bring about a sense of positive accomplishment and in those times our natural instinct is to ask for help. A baby will cry when they’re tired or hungry, a child or young adult will find the person or people they trust to confide in and get help from. I’ve learned that hiding struggles, issues, problems, etc will only cause what’s there to linger and bring about unnecessary stress, worry, and anxiety on the body and mind. Jesus died to make us free. Free from sin, sickness and mindsets that keep us in a cycle of dysfunction. To stay free, however, requires community. Those you trust to ensure that the path you’re on remains clear from what caused the need for help to come and to be able to function as the men or women of God we are to be in life. Success happens in community.
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