Let's Talk Kingdom Student's Forum: Kingdom Talk

RE: Community.
April 4, 2019 at 1:20 PM
So powerful is the Word of God, that when He speaks, He creates a way for us to get to the place of success He calls us to. It's then our responsibility to seek after the way in which He wants us to get there. We can have thoughts of our own, and/or put together plans for what we desire our lives to look like, but His purpose(s) for us far exceed those of our own or those that family/friends may want us to reach for. Without His Word, we're sitting ducks. Open to being swayed to and fro by suggestions or advice that could take us down the wrong path, leading us to a dead end. May we be a people that can hear His Voice above the clamoring around us so that we know without a doubt where to place our steps.
RE: Community.
March 20, 2019 at 9:51 PM
There was instruction that was given that was and is necessary for us to understand and act on when we gather. During the time of praise/prayer, there is a moment when momentum/passion/intensity begins to die down. The volume in our voices is lowered (though we don't always have to scream or be loud to be affective), we start to look around to see what others are doing, we may check the time, allow our minds to wander, etc. This is the moment when we have to take control of our minds and our bodies and push in because this is where breakthrough happens and we reach a level of praise we haven't reached before that causes there to be an experience with the Lord we've yet to have. The Lord does not show up because of lackluster praise. He is the King and for Him to come in requires your all which means every part of you has to be involved.

In the words of Apostle: "lets pray a little bit longer, let's praise a little bit longer, let's believe a little bit stronger and let's see what God will do."
RE: Community.
November 15, 2018 at 29:04 PM
What Renee had posted concerning the Voice of the Lord was very interesting to me. As important as our language and confidence is in hearing Him, it's also important to know that we should be hearing in community. What do I mean by that? The ones that remain in fellowship and communicate with another regarding what the Lord is saying (from an individual level and corporately) are the ones that stay on track. History has proven to us that the ones who fell away from fellowship, correction, rebuke, are the ones who ultimately backslid and began to believe strange things that did not line up with His Word and doctrine.
RE: Community.
October 21, 2018 at 1:50 PM
During our Fire Conference yesterday, there were a couple things that were said that caught my attention. The first being the difference in how prophecy is given. A lot of times I hear people say "I think the Lord is saying..." or "I believe the Lord wants to..." particularly from those that are younger in age, whereas with those that are older, a Word from the Lord is given with much more certainty and confidence. "The Lord said..." or "The Lord is going to..." Knowing His Voice comes with time, and the more experiences we have with Him, the more rooted we become in understanding who He is. When it's truly His Voice we are hearing, we don't have to hesitate, add or take away from what He gives us to say. This makes an incredible difference for the person hearing the Word because faith (which is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality]) Hebrews 11:1 (AMP) can only come by hearing the Word of the Lord. Not what we think or believe.

The second piece that caught me was how important it is to follow through with what I say. It could be something as seemingly small as showing up to a place at the time I said I would show up. Doing this on a consistent basis is what will build trust in relationships and open the door for opportunities. With friends and/or family, if I go back on my word as quickly as I give it, eventually no one will be around to hear it anymore. If it ever came to that, how could the Lord trust me with an assignment? There's a proving that has to take place and it starts with building a track record of consistency.
RE: Community.
October 3, 2018 at 9:40 PM
I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about attending an event I invited her to. She unfortunately declined because she had to work that day and she said "I depend on that job" and then quickly after she said "well, I don't depend on it, but..." this is one of many instances that shows how revealing our initial responses are. We are taught that the first thing we say is what we believe, it's what's true to us personally. We don't have to stop and think about it because it's what's in our heart. Being part of a community is based largely on having the same beliefs and being followers of Christ, there are moments in which we are challenged and pushed to reveal what's in our hearts in order that if it does not line up with what is in His then it can be removed. The question is, are you willing to let go?
RE: Community.
August 11, 2018 at 12:40:06 PM
Our lifestyle is evidence of what we believe about ourselves and the situations we are or may be in. There is a plethora of avenues that the enemy will use to influence or inspire our thoughts. Social media can bring forth insecurities or comparisons when pictures of only the highlights are showcased in the lives of others. Hearing about promotions or increase for a family member or friend can cause jealousy, even the words that others speak to us that may not be helpful or encouraging can open the door to a whirlwind of falsities. Once he has your mind, your actions follow.

This is the case for not only the mind, but the physical body as well. If there's a pain in your body, what's your first reaction? What does your belief prove? When you feel a sore throat or a cold coming, do you proclaim being healed or do you cower down, complain and let the sickness take over?

Thoughts and words are as building blocks. The more we think a certain way about ourselves or a situation, the more we speak in a certain direction, eventually, that's all we'll see. God's Word is the only truth we as followers of Him should have in our hearts and in our minds. What force of darkness can come against a community of believers that know the truth and won't stand for anything contrary?
RE: Community.
August 9, 2018 at 4:54 PM
It's interesting how Renee posted that Scripture on this "Community" Chat. I have been reading "Revival Culture" by Michael Brodeur and came across a chapter pertaining to the need of community among believers. As believers and citizens of God's great Kingdom, we should always be looking to promote the gospel(s) and accomplish His will in our lives. For our culture, that comes off as an individualistic feat which isn't correct. Does God have a purpose for every single person on this planet? Absolutely. But we need to see the greater picture. We should be seeking Him as to what He wants to do in our neighborhood, our city, our region, our nation, etc. And not just what He is doing but what is our role as a member of the Body of Christ. Philippians 1:6 was written by the Apostle Paul to ALL THE SAINTS of Philippi; not to an individual. The verse before speaks of their fellowship in the gospel. We work together, move together, walk together, advance together.
RE: Community.
March 8, 2018 at 12:00:02 AM
Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (NIV)

This is one scripture that's been on my heart. There are times when we may feel as though our lives aren't moving fast enough or in the way we think or want it to go. But surely, our walk with the Lord is bound to produce change in His perfect timing. Hold fast to the progress that has been made and know that He is still working in you.
RE: Community.
December 13, 2017 at 11:29 PM
What we have been learning to not build our house on the sand. What does that mean and what does that look like. In class, Apostle gave an example of a recent situation happening. There is an area in New Haven developers about 80 years ago and they have decided to empty a ice pond and use that area of land to build homes. This was back in 1930's. While the construction was being made, the empty pond pound was filled with much sand to keep the houses above stable. As we fast forward today, those houses are now beginning to sink! I cant image those developers thinking that would've happened. There is an estimate of 76 houses in that area that are sinking. Futhermore, the damages range from basements are being broken, foundations are cracking causing water to leak into their basements, houses are tilting which is causing homeowners to look for the State for help to fund these damages. This is what it will look like when we build our trust into the world systems (for example putting your full trust on things such as a job or into the Stock Market.) This does not mean to not invest into the Stock Market however our history shows the Stock Market crashed leaving many in the US with nothing. Putting your trust into the worlds system only will lead into failure (the house will sink). If that doesnt happen to you, it will happen to your children or your childrens children.
What do we do, we must build up on the solid rock. What do we do, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.(that is how we build upon the solid rock by seeking His kingdom first. Apostle has taught us if you put first things first everything else will fall in place.
RE: Community.
November 20, 2017 at 360 PM
Yes, Renee. It is no small thing when there is a shift in leadership (especially a specific industry in a particular area, or as some may know it as a "mountain of society"). We have learned that revival does not begin inside of the four walls of the church. It begins in education. This is something we as God's people need to keep in prayer and direct. Education is God's system of communication through impartation.
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