Let's Talk Kingdom Student's Forum: Kingdom Talk

December 1, 2016 at 3:16 PM
I wanted to add to this because of the recent discussion that we had with Apostle on "pushing", "moving forward" and the fight against darkness. Many people are too busy focusing on their personal battles that it distracts them from the fight against darkness. This is why this teaching is so important. When the scriptures refer to fighting Its not in reference to a holy lifestyle. That deals more with "resisting" or not "yielding. The "fight", "push" or "moving forward" is against dark forces that seek to suppress the light of God and the glory of God. IT IS NOT our personal victories. With Personal victories the people around us can remain in darkness. It's more than just us. Our battle is to uproot the systems of darkness in culture.
September 4, 2016 at 11:59 PM
Push!! We are in a time of pushing. The oxen work hard and plow through fields and have always been known as animals of hard labor.. It has been said they saved families from falling off cliffs pulling carts to safety and will not give up in their efforts.. This animal, symbol of the apostolic, demonstrates to us the endeavor to push.. Pray until something happens .. Breakthrough.. We are in a time of transformational thinking and we must push!!
At RTNKC we have been pushing! This all comes from our Lord Jesus, Blessed be His name forever, who taught what we are calling the Push.
Nothing just happens.. Heavens resources are available.. And we must 1st - Know what is available... But we must be in the right place #position yourself.. which is done by:

1. Knowing who it is you are speaking to.. Not just anyone but our Heavenly Father..

2. Praise by honoring His Name (Hallowed be your name) and

3. Which is composed of three.
i. Expecting (know what the will of God is with what you’re daily confronted with)

ii. Calling for the increase of His Kingdom
(Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven)
Commanding what is necessary (wisdom, power, anointing, increase...) and

iii. Aligning with His Will
Which deals with aligning your mindset, prayers, actions with His Will

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