Let's Talk Kingdom Student's Forum: Kingdom Talk

RE: Healing and Miracles
August 1, 2018 at 11:16 PM
To add on to what both Edwin and Beau posted, one thing that I've heard during services is that the Lord wants to heal finances. What could that possibly mean? How can someone's finances be healed? Does that mean more money will be coming in? How would that work? As stated, the Lord makes us whole and wouldn't heal one part of the body and leave the rest broken. In regards to finances, to bring healing to this area really means that our minds are being healed. How we give is dependent on how we think about it. How it should be done, when it should be done, the amount that should be given, etc. Once our thinking changes, the way we view finances and giving changes.
RE: Healing and Miracles
July 31, 2018 at 10:28 AM
What Edwin posted was very interesting for several reasons. He said our early fathers of the faith taught us that healing was for the entire body, not a specific area. Where in the Scriptures do we see Jesus say, "Ear infection, leave!" or "I command healing to come to your eyes so you may see." and so on? He either cast a devil out from the person or commanded them to be healed. Now, I'm not saying that it's erroneous to pray for a specific need for a person. But I do believe that if we follow our Lord when it comes to ministering to those in need that we will see results. Jesus makes us whole. Jesus makes us free. He wont' heal our soul and leave our bodies broken. We have to believe that He restores the entire man (spirit, soul, & body).
RE: Healing and Miracles
July 23, 2018 at 4:02 PM
As we have been learning about healing and miracles, there are has been a particular way of praying during the last few years. The person who is praying would "target" the part of the body which the person is requesting for prayer. For example, if a person is praying for lung cancer, then the person would pray for the lungs only. We have learned that we should pray as our fathers have taught which is praying "we command divine health from the top of their head to the bottom soles of their feet." The reason is the physical body are all connected. Even though the problem is found in the lung, there can also have specific issues throughout the body. This is very important when it comes to healing/miracles for others.
RE: Healing and Miracles
July 9, 2018 at 1:40:06 PM
When we think of healing, our first thought is to separate it into differing categories. What do I mean by this? The Church has believed that there's a certain power to heal a headache and another degree to heal cancer. And my next question: Where do we find that in the Scriptures? Luke 5:17 says that "the power of the Lord was present to heal." There's no place in the Bible where we can find the "power to heal leprosy" or the "power to heal migraines." The power of God is to heal ALL sickness and disease. Nor is there any place in the Scriptures that said Jesus knew there was only power present to heal infections or any other specific affliction or ailment. I believe God wants to restore this with His Church. We put too many limitations on Him and His power and then we make excuses for nothing happening.
RE: Healing and Miracles
February 20, 2018 at 11:55 AM
A question was raised at our Fire Conference this past Saturday. It was: "When Jesus fed the 5,000 was it a miracle? And if so, what qualifies it as one?" The common response was that it was a miracle because it was supernatural. Isn't God supernatural? Isn't everything that deals with the realm of the spirit coming upon man (or the natural realm) SUPERnatural?

An even better question was to whom was it a miracle? Jesus was well aware of Who He was and the resources that He had available (coming from the place of the Kingdom). And He commanded the disciples to pass the loaves and the fish to those who were present. The miracle was performed by their hands, not Jesus. Whenever we hear from God and moving according to His Word, there has to be a supernatural element involved. The miraculous is lifestyle for the Christian.
RE: Healing and Miracles
December 5, 2017 at 4:20 PM
"He made known His ways unto Moses, His acts unto the children of Israel." Psalm 103:7 KJV

According to the definition that Josue gave regarding miracles, I found this Scripture fascinating. He said that the acts of God are to reveal His ways. So what does this Scripture mean? Did God choose to make His ways known ONLY to Moses and not the children of Israel? Of course not! His acts were seen by Moses and the children of Israel. They had seen miracles often in the wilderness. The difference had to deal with the mindset. Moses saw the miracles but even more importantly saw God. Moses saw His character and nature through what God had done among them. The children of Israel saw the miracles and still did not believe what God had said regarding who He was and where He was leading them. Even to the point where they said it would have been better if they were struck down by the LORD's hand in Egypt (Exodus 16:3). Miracles always point back to the Lord. If we can really see what He has done, then we can know His ways.
Healing and Miracles
November 26, 2017 at 1:04 PM
Healing and Miracles

A healing is the supernatural restoration of the body of sickness, disease or injury. A miracle is the intervention of the spirit upon the natural.

Miracles are also the supernatural revelation of the character, nature,  and power of God displayed by what He does in the earth realm. The acts of God are to reveal His way


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